How do I share video files or folders in Panopto?
Modified on: Wed, Apr 17 2024 1:38 PMYou can share individual video files or folders with colleagues and set either View or Creator permissions.
Creator permissions will allow a colleague to download, copy, share, and move the video(s) to their own folder.
Access Your Panopto Course Folder in Canvas
All students in your Canvas course site automatically have Viewer access to any videos you upload or record to your course folder or a subfolder within your course folder. You do not need to change or set permissions. See the Using Panopto in Canvas Overview for information on uploading or recording a video to your course folder.
Embed a Panopto Video in a Canvas Page
Make Zoom Recordings Available to Your Students
Share Videos with Colleagues or Specific Students (note: see above for sharing with all students in a Canvas course)
Share Folders with Specific Students or Colleagues
Embed a Panopto Video on a Webpage