Antivirus Recommendations for Both Mac and Windows Computers
Modified on: Mon, Apr 22 2024 11:01 AMStudents
Antivirus is recommended for both Mac and Windows computers. There are many free antivirus programs on the market (See PC Mag review of the best free AV scanners for 2022).
However, ITS recommends paid antivirus subscriptions as the most secure and reliable option.
Recommended AV Software
- ESET - provides a discount for students with an edu email account.
offers/students/ -
Malwarebytes Premium - Well known for their free malware cleanup tool, Malwarebytes also offers a paid subscription that stops real time attacks.
- Malwarebytes for Windows -
premium/ - Malwarebytes for Mac -
- Malwarebytes for Windows -
Macs Running Virtualized Windows or Boot Camp.
Mac users running Windows using virtualization software (such as Parallels) — or Boot Camp — should install an antivirus program on both the Windows and Mac operating systems.
Faculty and Staff RISD Owned Computers
ITS provides and installs Crowdstrike Falcon for all RISD owned faculty and staff machines to protect against viruses, spyware and malware.
Contact the IT Service Desk at 401-454-6106 or to request an install.
Contact the IT Service Desk at 401-454-6106 or to request an install.
In addition to maintaining a secure computer the same attention should be paid to all the software applications on our computers.
Many security risks can be avoided if software applications are kept up-to-date.
In the event you open an application from your desktop and are prompted with security updates (especially critical) for that application, be sure to download, install, and run the updates.
Do not bypass update requests.