Ink & Toner Cartridge Disposal
Modified on: Wed, Mar 27 2024 8:08 AMUsed Ink & Toner:
Contact Environmental Health & Safety Management at or 401 454-6780 with questions about used ink & toner cartridges or Facilities to schedule a pick up.
Unused Ink Cartridges:
Ink cartridges for Ink Jet printers should be sent to Environmental Health & Safety Management to be recycled under their existing recycle program.
Contact Environmental Health & Safety Management at or 401-454-6780 with any questions.
Submit a work order to Facilities to schedule a pick up.
Unused Toner:
Toner cartridge's should be evaluated by ITS first to see if the cartridge is one used under the Print Smart program.
Email Paul Bento ( with a cc: to the IT Service Desk ( with the toner cartridge's printer make & model.
Paul will determine if cartridge needs to go into our inventory or returned to CBS for credit under our Print Smart program.
You may also refer to RISD Environmental Health & Safety Recycling Program
If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to Paul Bento (