RISD Information Technology Services


GLBA training

Modified on: Tue, Nov 2 2021 1:58 PM

What is GLBA?

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act is a federal regulation that was passed in 1999. The act covers all institutions and companies where banking and credit card information is handled.  The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requires institutions like The Ohio State University to protect confidential information. As a member of the university, you have an important responsibility for protecting the data entrusted to you and for helping to make sure that only those who have been approved are given access to the data.

Eric Sowersby is RISD's ITS Security Analyst.  
Eric will issue GLBA training based on request and/or when there is a new hire from a financial area.

Anyone interested in receiving GLBA training should contact the Service Desk or submit request through the ITS portal.

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