E-Waste Recycling
Modified on: Fri, Apr 12 2024 8:15 AMStudents, faculty and Staff can reach out to RISD Facilities — to put in a work order to remove E-Waste.
Here is the official policy on toner and toner waste — from RISD’s Environmental and Safety department — as seen on their “RISD Recycling Program” link…
Some manufacturers provide a prepaid mailer which can be used to send the spent cartridge back to them. If a prepaid mailer is not included with the replacement cartridge you purchased, you can (contact) Facilities for a pickup. The cartridges are sent to a local company that remanufactures them for resale/reuse. Contact the EH&S Department with any questions.
Link to Facilities --- Click on “Submit a Request”
Fill in the information required on the form.