RISD Information Technology Services


What do I do if my RISD laptop is stolen?

Modified on: Fri, Dec 9 2022 1:22 PM

Take the following steps:

1.    Information Technology Services (ITS) recommends employee immediately change their password via password.risd.edu.

2.    Notify ITS Service Desk via email servicedesk@risd.edu with a cc: to your Supervisor and RISD Public Safety pubsafe@risd.edu.

3.    If theft occurred off campus, notify local law enforcement and file a police report.

*Depending on where the theft occurred, you may contact your Insurance Company to see if the theft is covered by any of your insurance policies (e.g. home/rental/auto).

*RISD's insurance does not cover laptop thefts.

*The employee's department is responsible for replacement costs.

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