RISD Information Technology Services


Hypothesis: Annotation Assignments in Canvas

Modified on: Thu, Apr 18 2024 9:47 AM

You can create two types of annotation assignments with Hypothesis using the "Assignments" section in the Canvas course menu.

  • course assignments 
  • group assignments

Creating an annotated document or resource as an assignment allows instructors to:

  • use the Speedgrader to grade student annotations and contributions 
  • set availability and submission deadlines
  • define groups for each assignment

When creating an annotation-based assignment you can define one of four document sources:

1. Entering a URL of web page or PDF
2. Selecting PDF from an existing file in Canvas
3. Selecting PDF from Google Drive
4. Selecting PDF from OneDrive



Step 1: Navigate to the "Assignments" section in your course menu and select add assignment

Example of creating an assignment in Canvas


Step 2: Add a name and a description to your assignment and set evaluation points.

Example of creating a new assignment in Canvas

Step 3: In Submission Type, select "External Tool" and then click "Find." Recommended: Check "Load this Tool In A New Tab."

Example of selecting Hypothesis as external tool when creating and assignment in Canvas.


Step 4: In the dropdown list select "Hypothesis" and then click "Select."

Example of selecting Hypothesis as external tool when creating an assignment in Canvas


Step 5: Define the source of your document or resource.

Example of selecting a document source when creating an assignment with Hypothesis in Canvas.

Step 6:  Click continue. *Optional: Check "this is a group assignment" for group assignments (see thise article about group assignments)


The assignments is now listed in your "Assignments" sections. You can add the assignment as an item to a course module, edit it, or grade submissions.

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