RISD Information Technology Services


How to enable IE mode on Microsoft Edge

Modified on: Mon, May 9 2022 12:31 PM

In May 2021, Microsoft announced that support for Internet Explorer (IE) 11 on Windows 10 will end on June 15, 2022. ITS encourages IE 11 users to move to Microsoft Edge, the current browser native to the Windows operating system.

If you visit a website that requires IE 11, you may use Microsoft Edge in IE mode. IE mode enables backward compatibility and will be supported through at least 2029. 

For more information about IE 11 support you may view this article: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/products/internet-explorer-11-on-windows-10

How to enable IE mode on Microsoft Edge               

  1.  Open Microsoft Edge on Windows 10.               

  2.  Click the Settings and More (ellipsis) button on the top-right corner.              

  3.  Select the Settings option.               

  4.  Click on Default browser.              

  5.  Under the “Internet Explorer compatibility” section, turn on the “Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode” toggle switch.              

  6.  Click the Restart button.

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