Canvas Support and Training
Modified on: Tue, Dec 3 2024 4:19 PM
Canvas Support
Contact Canvas Support:
Canvas Support is available 24/7
Contact the IT Service Desk:
Canvas Training
1:1 Consulting, Training & Workshops (Instructors & TAs)
Sign up for a 1:1 session, workshop or class facilitated by a staff expert. Sessions focus on a range of topics including getting started with Canvas and using Canvas tools such as Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes and related apps and services such as VoiceThread, Panopto, Miro, Zoom, etc.
Sign up for Consulting, Training & Workshops
Canvas Training Sessions (Previously Recorded)
View one or both of the recorded training sessions facilitated by RISD and a Canvas expert from Fall 2020.
Online Training Courses
Fundamentals of Canvas for Faculty
This is a quick-start training course for RISD degree program faculty new to Canvas. It covers the key functionalities of Canvas so you can get up and running fast! The course can also be used by more experienced faculty for reference and review. Enroll in this course here:
Fundamentals of Canvas for CE Instructors
This is a quick-start training course for CE instructors new to Canvas. It covers the key functionalities of Canvas so you can get up and running fast! The course can also be used by more experienced instructors for reference and review. Enroll in this course here:
Essentials of Canvas in 10 minutes or less (for Students)
All students are enrolled in a training course called "Essentials of Canvas in 10 minutes or less". This quick training course will guide you through an overview of Canvas and how you'll interact with a course as a student. To access this course sign in to
Growing with Canvas (for Instructors)
All faculty are enrolled in a training course called “Growing with Canvas” which goes through Canvas basics such as: communication tools, pages, discussions, assignments, quizzes, grading and collaboration. Since this course uses a Canvas course as its platform you will also get to experince Canvas from the student side. During this course you will be assigned exercises related to building a course and you may do that in your Sandbox space. There are six modules and the total time commitment is approximately 6-10 hours. To access this course sign in to
Training Services Portal
The Training Services Portal is avaiable from the Help section in the Canvas navigation (See
How do I use the Training Services Portal as an instructor?). The Training Services Portal provides access to Courses, Videos, and Live Webinars as well as a Learning Pathway titled "Higher Education: First Day Ready".
LinkedIn Learning
You may also utilize our campus subscription to
LinkedIn Learning to get started with Canvas.