RISD Information Technology Services


Is Content Analysis turned on in RISD's Adobe subscription?

Modified on: Wed, Apr 17 2024 10:41 AM

What is Content Analysis?

Adobe primarily uses machine learning in Creative Cloud and Document Cloud to analyze your content. Machine learning describes a subset of artificial intelligence in which a computing system uses algorithms to analyze and learn from data without human intervention to draw inferences from patterns and make predictions. The system may continue to learn and improve over time as it receives more data. More info...

Is Content Analysis turned on in RISD's Adobe subscription?

No, RISD has an enterprise version of Adobe Creative Cloud Pro and this feature in not available in our subscription.

Content Analysis is only on by default in invididual paid Adobe subscriptoins.  To turn off, from your Adobe account, go to Account and Security, then Privacy and Personal Data, then toggle the option under Content Analysis to "off."

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