RISD Information Technology Services


What happens to my RISD account after I graduate?

Modified on: Fri, Feb 7 2025 9:04 AM

After you graduate, your RISD account will begin the "Alumni Account Transition" from a student email address (@risd.edu) to an alumni email forward-only address (@alumni.risd.edu).

You will retain access to your Google Workspace (Email and Drive) and campus subscriptions using your RISD account for 90 days. Information Technology Services (ITS) will notify you via email when the transition has begun and what actions you must take during the 90 day grace period.

In addition, an @alumni email alias will be created for your RISD account to receive emails.

fter the 90 days, your Google Workspace (Email and Drive) account will no longer be accessible and campus subscriptions will end. An automated process will rename your @risd.edu to yourusername@alumni.risd.edu and convert it to a forward-only email address.

Action needed before the 90 day grace period ends:

>> IMPORTANT: It is NOT possible to access or recover any files/folders from your RISD account after this date! No extensions or exceptions will be granted.


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