RISD Information Technology Services


Unable to print using risdPrints on Mac OS

Modified on: Thu, Apr 11 2024 2:18 PM

Explanation: The popup print queue window is not running and/or not allowing user to input any information.

Solution: Uninstall and reinstall the pop-up print queue installer.

  1. Uninstall
    1. Click on the Finder's "Go" menu --- click on "Computer"
    2. Open "Library" -- then open "Application Support".
    3. Open "Pharos" -- then open "Utilities".
    4. Launch the "Uninstaller" application.
    5. Follow directions - as they appear within the uninstaller.
    6. Delete all “RISDPRINTS” local print queues seen within “System Preferences” > “Printers and Scanners”.
    7. A reboot is recommended. 
  2. Install
    Install the printer from the list of pop up print queues.
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