Approve Spend Authorization in Workday (Managers)
Spend Authorizations are used to grant approval for future expense items. This job aid details the process to Review Spend Authorizations that have been submitted for approval.
From the Home Page:
1. Click My Tasks icon in the top right-hand corner of the Home page.
2. Click the Spend Authorization to review.
3. Scroll to display full report details. To expand the view of the
spend authorization, click in the upper right corner of the item.
a. A Justification for the future expenses should be included.
b. Review all attachments to confirm they support and satisfy the
4. Complete the review and select one of the following actions:
a. Approve: Route the task to the next step in the approval process or complete the process if this is the final approval
b. Send Back: Send the task back to the initiator. A Comment to
the initiator is required
c. Cancel: Exit task without taking action, leaving the item in My Tasks.
5. Click Done.