Performance Management: Enter Initial Goals/Expectations
The performance management process provides managers and employees a framework for engaging in regular communication throughout the year about goals/expectations, performance, and employee development. The process is meant to be flexible and interactive and begins with establishing clear expectations which is the foundation of successful performance. The Kick-off of the annual process begins with Goal/Expectation Setting.
Enter Initial Goals
From the Workday homepage:
1. Navigate to your Inbox. Select the task Set Content: Kick-off Goals / Expectations and Development Activities.
2. Select Go to Guided Editor.
Note: Do not select Go to Summary Editor. To begin again, click Close and re-select the Inbox item.
3. From the Guided Editor, Click Add to enter a new goal.
4. Enter the following goal information (apply SMART principals):
Goals/Expectations and Development*: Enter the goal or expectation actions(s) answering “what is being accomplished” (required)
Anticipated Outcome/Description: Enter a description of the expected outcome (optional)
Due Date: Enter a completion date for the goal
Status: Select one: Not Started, In Progress, Completed, Delayed/Cancelled (optional)
5. To add more goals:
Scroll to bottom of your goal entry
Click Add
6. Once you have completed entry of all goals, click Next.
7. From Set Review Content, scroll down to review the goals you have entered.
To use the system guide to edit your goals:
Select Guide Me
To delete a goal: Click Delete
To directly edit a goal: Click Edit
• Modify the information as needed
• Click Save or Undo to exit without saving changes
8. Select one of the following:
• Submit: Save goals and route task to your manager for review and approval
• Save for Later: Save your entry and exit editing goals
• Close: Exit editing goals, the task will remain in your Inbox
Review Manager Response
You will receive a task in your Inbox if the manager has added goals or returned them for revision.
1. Select the Inbox task.
2. Select Continue Where I Left Off to view the guided editor.
3. Scroll to the bottom to view the process history and review your manager’s comments.
4. Scroll to view any goals added by your manager.
5. Complete any edits requested.
Note: remember to scroll to select Add as needed.
6. Follow steps 4 through 7 from Enter Initial Goals on page 1 of this job aid
7. Select one of the following:
• Submit: Indicates employee’s action is successfully complete
• Save for Later: Save your work in progress and exit editing goals
• Close: Exit editing goals, the task will remain in your Inbox
8. Upon submission, your manager will schedule a meeting with you to review and finalize your goals.