Miro Spaces and Boards for RISD Courses - Faculty Guide
Modified on: Wed, Feb 19 2025 11:33 AMWhat is a Miro Space?
Miro Spaces have replaced Miro projects. Creating a Space is the primary way of organizing your Miro boards and content. You can create new boards, move existing boards, or import assets from external tools (e.g. Lucidchart, Mural) into a Miro Space.
Guide For Faculty:
- Where will I find my course Space?
- How do I create a board for my class?
- How do I give access to a class board to students? (faculty)
- Who can see boards in my Space?
- How do I invite a guest to a board?
Where will I find my course Space?
You will find your course Space listed under your Miro team. Team names correspond to academic departments.
* Note: If you cannot find your course space, make sure to look at the team (department) location for it. Course spaces for cross-listed courses will be associated with a single team (department). If you cannot find your team/space for your course, please contact the service desk.
Spaces follow the naming convention for RISD courses as they appear in Canvas:
How do I create a board for my class?
In your course Space, select ‘Create new’ and then select one of the following:
‘Board’ to create a new board in your course Space
‘Import’ to bring assets from other platforms into your Miro Space
‘Move’ to move existing boards into your course Space
How do I give access to a class board to students? (faculty)
Faculty and students enrolled in a class will have access to an auto-generated space for that class, similar to how students can access their course website in Canvas. Course spaces are automatically created at the beginning of the term and there is no action required for faculty. By default, instructors have co-owner access to course spaces while all enrolled students have editor privileges. Because the course spaces are auto-generated based on course name and code, instructors cannot delete or rename course spaces. Instructors, can, however, add or remove individuals to/from a course space and the boards created in it. They can also assign/change board-level roles.
Students can view boards and create new boards in their course Space.
All roles and user permissions for Spaces are carried over from projects. For more on roles and permissions in Spaces, see:
Who can see boards in my Space?
By default, instructors have co-owner access to Course Spaces while all enrolled students have editor privileges. Any boards created in the same Course Space inherit permissions from the parent Course Space. This makes it easier for instructors to share boards with their class roster.
Because the course spaces are auto-generated based on course name and code, instructors cannot delete or rename course spaces. Instructors, can, however, add or remove individuals to/from a course space and the boards created in it. They can also assign/change board-level roles.
For any Miro Spaces other than the pre-generated Course Spaces, the creator is the owner and they have full control over who they share with and what permissions individual users will have.
To create boards with limited access (e.g. user groups / collaborators or individual viewers / editors) Miro users can either create a new Space for collaboration or a standalone board. They can also remove a board from a Space or move it to another Space.
For More on Space and board roles and permissions visit this Miro documentation article.
How do I invite a guest to a board?
You can invite a guest (e.g. guest critic) to a board by sharing a link to the board or by sending an invitation to their email.
You don’t have to make the board public. See more about guests here: https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021415119-Collaboration-with-Guests