RISD Information Technology Services


How to print from a laptop/desktop using mobilePRINTS upload

Modified on: Fri, Mar 7 2025 1:29 PM
How to print from a Laptop / Desktop Computer using the mobilePRINTS upload feature

  1. Visit mobileprints.risd.edu and log in with your RISD username (without @risd.edu) and your RISD password.

    NOTE: If you are using a risdbucks guest card enter the digits seen on the risdbucks card. Then - enter the risdbucks password seen on the card - No password? Contact servicedesk@risd.edu.

  2. Click on "Log in".

  3. Once logged in, select "Upload" to find the file you want to print.

    NOTE: If you wish to use larger files or another file format please see the instructions: Using risdPRINTS and mobilePRINTS to release print jobs.

  4. Select the file to modify print options (bottom right of mobile prints page) if necessary.

  5. NEXT STEPS - Determine how / where you want to print:

    Print/Plot Centers - View Page 2 of Using RISDPrints and MobilePrints to release print jobs.

    Standalone printers - No further action is needed on mobilePRINTS. Visit any of the standalone risdPRINTS printers to release your job from the Print Release Station.
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