New Hire Request for Student Employee
A New Hire Request must be submitted for students who have not worked in any on-campus job. The New Hire Request submission is the communication between the hiring supervisor and the Student Employment Office to onboard students. Once the hiring manager submits the New Hire Request form and it is received by our office, we will email the student to inform them of the I-9 process, and instruct them to make an in-person appointment to bring Acceptable I-9 documents to complete their Form I-9. The New Hire Request Form will be processed when the student has visited the Student Employment Office and completed both parts of their Form I-9 with a staff member.
Please Note: Student supervisors should not allow students to work until they have received notification via Workday that onboarding is complete. Allowing students to work before onboarding is completed puts students in jeopardy and potentially exposes the institution to steep regulatory fines.
Supervisors who allow student employees to work before onboarding is completed may be subject to administrative action including but not limited to suspension of student supervisory duties or corrective action pursuant to RISD policy.
From the Workday Homepage:
Log into Workday by clicking on the “Student/Faculty/Staff Login” field

- In the Search area, type in “Create Request” and hit ‘Enter’
- In the “Create Request” pop up box, type in “New Student Hire” and hit ‘OK’
- In the Student Hire Screen, enter the following information in the fields indicated:
a. Student First Name
b. Student Last Name
c. RISD ID Number
d. Student’s First Day of Work
- Hit 'Submit'
What Happens Next?
There are a few more steps to take before the student may begin!
- Once you complete this request, it will be routed to Student Employment to begin the onboarding process for the student.
- Student Employment will send an email via to both the student and to the student supervisor,
instructing the student to meet with a staff member to complete Section 1 and Section II of the Federally mandated Form I-9.- For more information on the onboarding process visit (Job Aid)
- Once the student has completed their Form I-9, the student supervisor who submitted the New Hire Request, will receive
notification in Workday that their request has been processed.- At this point, the student supervisor(s) can hire the student using the Add Job function.