Hypothesis: Creating Annotated Resources in a Course Module
Modified on: Thu, Apr 18 2024 9:45 AMYou can add an annotated document or resource to your course materials by creating it as an item in one of your course modules. To do this, click the plus sign to the right of the module title to create a new item in a module. In the dropdown list, select "External tool" and then "Hypothesis."
When creating an item that uses Hypothesis as an external tool you have four options in defining the source of the resource:
1. Entering a Web Page Or PDF URL
2. Selecting a PDF from an existing file in Canvas
3. Selecting a PDF from Google Drive
4. Selecting a PDF from OneDrive
If you want to start with a quick overview of the process, this video shows how you can add an annotated resource from an existing PDF file in Canvas.