RISD Information Technology Services


IT Information and Resources for New and Returning Students

Modified on: Wed, May 3 2023 2:43 PM

Welcome New and Returning Students!

Information Technology Services (ITS) wishes all of you an exciting and successful year ahead! Below we highlight products and services available to you during your time at RISD.

RISD Account & Password Information

Your RISD Account gives you access to Email, WiFi, Workday, Adobe CC and more. Some services require the full email address (i.e. jsmith12@risd.edu) and others only require the username (i.e. jsmith12).

Your password expires every six months. The system will send email reminders two weeks before it expires. Visit password.risd.edu to Change your password. Be sure to enroll a mobile number and/or alternate email address so you may use the Forgot Password link to reset your password via email or text message.

Duo 2 Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication enhances the security of your account by using a secondary device to verify your identity (e.g. mobile, landline, hardware token, etc.). This will prevent anyone from accessing your account, even if they know your password. RISD utilizes Duo 2FA for this extra layer of security. To enroll, please see Duo Security's instructions: https://guide.duo.com/enrollment

RISD Email (requires Duo 2FA)

RISD uses Google Workspace for Education (Mail, Calendar, Docs, Slides, Sheets, etc.) for email. Visit gmail.com and sign in using your full RISD email address (username@risd.edu) and password.

Workday (requires DUO 2FA)
At RISD we use Workday to manage student financials and academic records. Visit Workday and sign in using your RISD username and password. You may view the fullinstructions here: Signing in to Workday

MyRISD RISD's mobile app

My RISD is a mobile and desktop solution that will personalize your RISD experience and make it easier for students, staff, faculty, and visitors to access campus services and resources. View more information about My RISD.

IT Services Portal

Visit the IT Services Portal (risd.freshservice.com) to view current outages and search common solution articles in our knowledge base. RISD Community members will login in (upper right) to the portal to report an issue, view the service catalog, and check the status of existing requests.  


Academic Resources:

On Campus Services:

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